In The Mood Of Autumn













其實聽到設計師說,他的設計理念是幾何與未來感時,我會有些害怕倒彈,因為那樣的設計常常會引領我們到一個“未知的領域”,穿起來很酷沒錯,但自己的個性都被掩蓋住了。所以當我我一拿到Mauro Gasperi的資料,說他不僅是以幾何作為靈感,還開發了新的科技布料,實在是心生畏懼,想著又要看到一群未來超人的服裝。好在Made in Italy最好的品質保證,就是他的“實穿性”或說“可穿性”,就算是未來感的服飾,也絕對不會讓人變成科幻電影的角色。

Mauro Gasperi畢業於翡冷翠的Polimoda, 結束學業後曾在許多知名服飾品牌旗下工作,於2008年在Brescia開了第一間自己的店,由於在學習服裝設計前他他的主修是藝術相關,所以在概念與藝術的拿捏上,他調節得恰到好處。他的服飾理念是將現幾何線條與女性柔美結合,強烈的Silohuette裡藏著些許性感,可以Casual也可以正式,對他來說,這就是現代都會女性的風格。那科技感在哪呢?就在他自己開發的布料中,我非常喜歡這種把科技融入材料中,而不是一味地追求造型感的設計手法。

不僅消費者(也包括我本人)肯定他的才華,Mauro Gasperi更被米蘭時裝界帝王級組織Camera Nazionale Della Moda Italiana (National Italian Fashion Association)選為新一代意大利傑出設計師之一,也是米蘭時裝週少數上秀的新銳設計師。至於我對Mauro Gasperi的第一印象是什麼呢?初次見面時他一直閃躲我的目光,我本來以為,又是個心高氣傲的設計師,後來發現,原來他是有點害羞,有公關在身邊才放膽地跟我們聊天,現在想起來,真是個可愛又有才華的人。


Whenever I hear that the concept of a fashion designer is geometric and futuristic it always makes me a bit scared, because sometimes it’s like watching a science fiction, too dramatic. This is how I felt as well when I looked through the concept of Mauro Gasperi for the first time. Hmmm…not only futuristic, geometric, he also creates his own fabric with new technology! My god this is gonna be so scary. However it blew my mind when I saw his works! I have to say the best thing of “made in Italy” is the guarantee of “wearable clothes”!

Mauro Gasperi was graduated form Polimoda in Florence. After the study he has been working under some well known such as Paola Frani, Doratex and D&G and knitwear factory near Brescia and Bergamo. He opened his own line of womenswear and flagship store in 2008. Since he studied in artistic high school before, the way he combine a concept with an artistic tough is just perfect. His desire  to communicate through his geometrical details his woman and his concept of femininity: a renewed, cosmopolitan and urban one, with a casual, free and contemporary spirit. Which as you can see the silhouette is so strong but still has a little sexy detail on his work. What I like the most is his fabric. I think the “futuristic” is here. I really appreciate the way he put the futuristic inside the element that he’s using and not in the design that he’s painting.

Not only the consumers (including me) give him a serious applause, Mauro Gasperi has been chosen by the President of CAMERA NAZIONALE DELLA MODA ITALIANA for receiving  the award FERPI, claims: ” It is objective interest of the Italian fashion system to have a new generation of young designers”. He’s also one of the few New Designers that hold a fashion show during Milan Fashion Week.

And my opinion to Mauro Gasperi? When I first met him he was avoiding my eyes, so I thought “oh, maybe he is another arrogant designer…”. Later I figured out that he was only being shy, he talked with us happily with his pr in company. My my, such a cute new talent.The outfit that I choose and wore makes me feel like wearing the autumn on my body. I’m so glad that I get to wear some beautiful clothes in the end of autumn by Mauro Gasperi :)

What I Was Wearing:

shirt Mauro Gasperi

skirt Mauro Gasperi

shoes Prada

Photo by Eliana Kuo and Yu Lee

All Rights Reserved by YUTOPIA

Please Click on the picture below to visit Mauro Gasperi’s Official Website





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