A dark side.















不知道是天生反骨還是懶,黑色或暗色系的選擇一直是我挑選衣服的重點,啊,可能還因為不是太瘦吧。一直以來在時尚圈佔有一席之地的“黑暗風”是我從懂事開始就瘋狂追隨的風格,雖然並沒有執行得很徹底,但不免偷偷嚮往著黑黑的、細細地、高高的造型。所以當我收到Isabel Benenato的邀請時,簡直欣喜若狂,一口答應,拿起相機就走。

於八零年代早期出生於義大利南部的Isabel Benenato,大學時期前往倫敦攻讀時尚設計,針織品和皮件的運用變化是她的強項,曾經任職於Bottega Veneta工坊,而於五年前創立了同名品牌,Isabel Benenato,至今成為各大知名Select Shop最炙手可熱的設計師品牌之一。

我特別喜歡她將針織品混搭進黑暗風的設計。一直以來,除了黑白灰不談,黑暗風格品牌愛用的材質不外乎皮革、壓克力、聚酯纖維、綿布等偏冷調的面料,Isabel Benenato卻將這些用料編進她擅長的針織品,讓服飾冷漠高調的態度,多了一絲柔和,就算全身穿搭黑暗系,似乎也不是那麼難以親近,甚至多了股穩重又神秘的性感。

儘管現在非常流行將黑暗風穿搭成特殊又詭異樣子,好像自己是九世惡人一般,但或許我對Dark的認知跟Isabel Benenato比較近,是有點浪漫、有點優雅,看起來有點難以親近,實際上卻柔情似水的。

From the day that I could decide what to wear, I always love Dark style. Maybe is because I’m so lazy to mix and match, or maybe is that I’m a rebel person form the inside, or, maybe is just because I’m not thin enough to wear some exaggerate thing. Though I haven’t became a total Dark Person, I still have a dream of being slim, tall, and in dark color like a gothic architecture. That’s why by the time I was invited to visit Isabel Benenato to see the new 2014 SS collection, I didn’t hesitate for a sec, just grabbed my camera and went out right away.

Isabel Benenato finished her study of fashion design in London. She is known for her expert in knit wear and the making of leather goods, after she worked in the studio of Bottega Veneta, she decided to start her very own label. 5 Years later, it has became one of the most wanted italian designer label for all famous select shops around the world.

What I like about Isabel Benenato is she put the knit wear into the Dark style. As we all know, a dark label usually use leather, acrylics, polyester or some kind of cold tone fabric. However, Isabel put all these element into her knit wear, and it gives her own kind of dark style a very soft touch, which makes the darkness more steady and mysterious, not so far away from the earth.

Though it’s very popular to dress Dark in a very weird and extreme way, but for me I have the same thought with Isabel, a Dark lady should be a bit elegant, a bit romantic, a bit far yet actually with a character which is soft like water.

Where can you find Isabel Benenato:

Daad Dantone, Milan

Antonioli, Milan

Luisa Via Roma, Florence (Manswear)

Isetan, Tokyo

Super Normal, Korea

Vertice Shop, London (Menswear)

H.Lorenzo, Los Angelus

Medium Rare, Hong Kong

Contact Isabel Benenato

Pictures by Yu Lee and Doris Huang

All rights reserved by YUTOPIA


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