Modern vegetation girl

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我這個人很怕大自然,不為其他,就是蟲太多!一見到昆蟲就花容失色的非我莫屬,所以要我欣賞花朵草木,大概也只有這些與城市並存的植物了。可能是為了中和這個性上的缺陷,我特別喜歡花草、昆蟲等經過加工的印花服飾。每回Mary Katrantzou(這輩子都念不出來)發表新一季服飾時,總讓人盯著他們發呆許久,但看完價錢後又覺得有股冷風吹過(自動配上ABBA的Money Money Money),帶著這份殘缺的心靈,找尋美麗印花的路實在艱辛,因為這東西真是多一分則冗,少一分則乏。



If I have to say what’s my favorite part of Europe, I’d say it’s the vegetation, simply because it takes a very important role as dressing the city in a classical way. In Milan, the climbers are my favorites. And they are everywhere! On an old city wall, a rusty fence or mottled window frames, it’s easy to find flowers or greens climbing on them. The seasonal color changing of these climbers are like the way we change our clothes. They just made the city a more magical place.

Me myself is not a big fan of the great nature, cus I can’t stand bugssss. The only way that I can admire greens is to see them in the city mixing with a lot of architecture. And guess what? I just LOVE the way when vegetation meets modern. Since I can’t stay in the nature for too long, I’m always looking for some floral or vegetation print things to wear. But it’s super hard to find a right one, because when it comes to prints, it’s really hard to measure the balance.

I think this is why I love to wear Fabitoria’s skirt. These two young girls nailed it as mixing flowers and greens with a lot of geometric elements, yet it’s still not boring as those symmetry prints clothes. Me Myself, as a weirdo but still wanted to be a woman kind of girl, Fabitoria is just perfect.

As I was looking up to this building, which was covered by climbers but still can see the metallic window frames, I think maybe this building is wearing a Fabitoria as well.

Here’s some of my favorite products that I choose for you.


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Other posts that I’ve been wearing Fabitoria’s skirts:

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這天我也去了Francesco Biasia,義大利皮件品牌位於名店街的開幕活動。認識了許多有趣的女孩,還帶了個包包回家,想想有時候當這種網路寫手,福利也是挺多的,嘿嘿。

The same day I went to the opening of Francesco Biasia, and italian leather good’s label in Corso Venezia. Met some cute girls and got a bag when I left! This is the time that I consider myself as a very lucky girl, haha.

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What I Was Wearing

top Arthur Arbesser

skirt Fabitoria

heels Marskinryyppy

bag Francesco Biasia

Photo taken by Chao S.G.

Post production/edited by Yu Lee

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